
01/03/2022 – 28/02/2024

EMYS – Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability – EMYS/ΕΜΕΙΣ

Engaging Marginalized Youth for Sustainability is a two-year project which aims to trigger the motivation and enhance the capacity of young people to take actions and implement initiatives on local, regional, national and European level. By doing so, young people will become change makers equipped to advocate and deal with the challenges they face in their communities but also on a European level.


– Create networks and coalitions among youth organizations, young people and activists in youth movements across the EU

– Foster and develop increased opportunities for young people, by supporting them in creating grassroots initiatives and youth-led projects

– Empower marginalized youth and underrepresented youth and improve their capacities to become informed decision makers and change makers in their communities

– Raise the need for awareness, that only through transcultural cooperation we could provide a solution to the global crisis of climate change

– Explore and develop NFE methods and techniques

– Cultivate lobbying and advocacy competencies among young people

– Enhance cross-sector innovation and collaboration with young people

Projects Results: 

– The creation of a cross-border network between youth organizations through the EMYS network event and its manifesto,

– Provide opportunities for young people to enhance their participation in democratic life by fostering an EU identity through the exchange of good practices and the creation of new ideas encouraging and sustaining participation and deliberation of young people in civic space,

– Increase the participation of young people with fewer opportunities, who are even more under represented in civic space and politics by enforcing a youth inclusion strategy,

– Empowering young people through the aftermaths of covid19, by providing them with the information and skills which is relevant to them to enhance further participation in a youth-friendly manner through digital means as is the social media campaign-Spread the Word Vol.1 and Vol.2 and the training toolkits.

The project consortium consists of partners from Cyprus; COMCY and YEU (coordinator), Ukraine, Austria, Sweden and Spain.

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