
01/09/2020 – 30/04/2021

Program for the development of entrepreneurial women networking

The project is implemented under the grant program “Cooperation paths – support for entities implementing international cooperation” as a part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 Axis No. IV. Social innovation and transnational cooperation, Measures 4.3 Transnational Cooperation

The project has been developed as the extension of the project “A woman’s success – II edition” implemented by OIC Poland Foundation. The main aim of the project is to increase the level of entrepreneurship and professional activity of the inhabitants of the Lublin Province in Poland, by creating conditions for establishing and running own business.

To complete the offer of the project “A woman’s success – II edition”, transnational cooperation has been undertaken to develop tools to support entrepreneurial women.

Project background

One of the problems is the lack of systemic models and tools needed for creating women’s entrepreneurial networks. The report of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development “Women’s entrepreneurship in Poland”, as its main recommendation, indicates:

“Individualized actions are necessary, taking into account the far-reaching specificity of a given recipient: professional assistance for a given entrepreneur, coaching, mentoring. Is also proposed a creation of support networks focusing women entrepreneurs in the form of clubs / groups. “

When preparing the result, i.e. the methodology for creating and operating Women’s entrepreneurial networks, women’s angels networks, and training in effective business presentations, we will use the Partner’s experience of implementing the project “South Eastern Europe Women Business Angels Network”

Project results:

The project consortium is expected to achieve the project aims by developing a methodology for creating and operating Women’s entrepreneurial networks with tools:

– methodology for creating and running women’s entrepreneurial networks

– methodology for creating a network of female business angels for micro and small businesses

– pitching workshop for women to perform effective business presentations

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