TuDOrs: Improving the skills of foreign language teachers in teaching people with learning disabilities

COMCY participates in the European project TuDOrs: Turning the learning disabilities into opportunities that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers of foreign languages (FL) in teaching people with learning disabilities (LD). The project also focuses on the needs and challenges that both, the learners and the teachers experience.

At this stage, the project countries Cyprus, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Italy and Romania, implement focus groups, aiming to collect efficient methodologies and tools in teaching FL to people with LD (young people and adults). In Cyprus, the online focus group is going to be implemented via the online platform ZOOM, in the English language, on Friday 26th of November 2021, from 10:00 – 11:30 (CY time).

The participation and contribution of FL teachers at the focus group is vital, as it will lay the foundations for the demarcation and development of a free online educational program.

The Italian film director, Federico Fellini, once stated:

“A different language is a different vision of life”

If you are teaching a foreign language and you are interested in participating in this initiative, please submit your interest by filling out the registration form available at the online link here, and please forward the online link to people you think it concerns and interest them.

The deadline for registration is by Wednesday, 24th of November 2021.

For more information about the project, visit the:

– project website: www.tudors.academy.tudors.academy

– the project Facebook page: facebook.com/TheTudorsAcademy

For further clarifications, you can contact us at 22420110 or via email at panagiota@eurosc.eu

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