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EmpowerHer: Inclusive Pathways for Skills Development of Migrant Women for Integration into the Labour Market

Duration: 01.11.2024 – 31.10.2026 EmpowerHer: Inclusive Pathways for Skills Development of Migrant Women for Integration into the Labour Market Our organisation coordinates the EmpowerHer project as part of Erasmus+, with the goal to encourage social inclusion through skills development and establish welcoming onboarding environments especially for migrant women. There are 6 participating organizations and centres from 5 countries in this project: Germany, France, Cyprus (COMCY), Spain and Portugal. Target groups: Migrant women Adult educators (professionals, or volunteers) Employers (e.g., managers, HR experts) Objectives: The main goals of the project are to: Offer specialized educational resources and training that focus on the unique experiences of migrant women, promoting both immediate employability …

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Duration: 01.09.2024 – 31.07.2027 VRCARE Our organisation coordinates the VRCARE project as part of Erasmus+, with the goal to modernizing healthcare pedagogy. The primary goal of VRCARE is to change the traditional pedagogy of social and healthcare education focusing on children and elderly by introducing Virtual Reality as a way of teaching abstract topics such as interaction and ethics. VRCARE also aims to have a positive impact on children and elderly in care homes by introducing VR scenarios portraying daily real-life activities such as going out for walks, dancing and having a cup of coffee at a cafeteria. These scenarios can and will be utilized by the elderly and children, …

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Sustainable personal finance decisions among young people

Sustainable personal finance decisions among young people for their financial wellbeing and sustainable impact to the world – ImpactFinance

Duration: 01.10.2023 – 31.09.2025 Sustainable personal finance decisions among young people for their financial wellbeing and sustainable impact to the world – ImpactFinance ImpactFinance is being implemented under the Erasmus+ program, by 4 participating organizations and Universities from Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Lithuania. The ImpactFinance project is aimed at increasing awareness and application of the synergy between sustainability and financial literacy of youth, in order to solve societal wellness challenges. This project will not only involve learning and understanding of sustainable personal finance, but also practicing and sharing what is taught. Target groups: Direct: Students from High Schools (from 15 years old) Youth workers / youth organizations Indirect: University Students …

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Digital and Open Education for Equality-based resilience

Digital and Open Education for Equality-based resilience – DOEER

Duration: 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2025 Digital and Open Education for Equality-based resilience – DOEER The project DOEER promotes building more inclusive higher education systems through a multilevel approach to equality, to the scope of achieving improvement for individuals, society and economy. Equality-based resilience by tackling forms of discrimination, both in Higher Education and workplace, through dedicated digital learning and tools supporting tackling discriminating factors, through close cooperation of HEs and business. The project intends contributing to make societies more resilient, more competitive and efficient, but also stronger, supporting the participating six European countries to return as quickly as possible to a state of equilibrium. The project DOOER addresses directly these interconnected …

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FOCUS: Foreign Language Opportunities for Children with Unique Skills

Duration: 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2026 The project FOCUS is being implemented under the Erasmus+ program, by nine participating organizations and educational centers from Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania, Italy, Slovenia and Spain. It aims to improve the knowledge, skills and competences of foreign language teachers, in teaching to children (6-12 years old) with learning difficulties, by using Digital Game – Based Learning method and to strengthen their soft and transversal skills regarding the inclusion of learners with learning difficulties. Purpose​ Equip foreign language teachers with innovative teaching techniques, methods and tools to effectively teach children with learning difficulties. Introduce new and innovative teaching methods like Digital – Game Based Learning to foreign language teachers. …

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Support Young Women and Proffessionals

Support Young Women and Proffessionals – in the field of alternative and sustainable tourism

Duration: 01.05.2022 – 01.05.2024 Support Young Women and Proffessionals – in the field of alternative and sustainable tourism WAST is being implemented under the Erasmus+ program, by 6 participating organizations and educational centers from Greece, Cyprus, Ukraine, Poland, and Italy. It aims to empower young women and youth in the tourism sector, by engaging them in training activities for creating unique sustainable and alternative tours, involving them in their cultural heritage and supporting them in learning new skills and competencies. Purpose Support of young women graduates & students from the guiding tour and tourism sector through digital and educational tools to acquire valuable transferable skills and enhance their curricula to …

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i-learn4health | Health promotion and health education in children through Digital Game-Based Learning

Duration: 28.02.2022 – 28.02.2025 i-learn4health | Health promotion and health education in children through Digital Game-Based Learning iLearn4Health is being implemented under the Erasmus+ program, by 8 participating organizations and educational centers from Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Poland, and Spain. It aims at providing better health education in primary schools by implementing the Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) method, while at the same time training the teachers in the theoretical aspects of the concept, as well as the digital tools of the method. Purpose Enable the teachers (and children) to develop a scientific point of view of health, with reference to traditional and modern concept of health. Allow teachers to provide high-quality …

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EQ Students- Developing students’ emotional intelligence

Duration: 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2024 EQ Students- Developing students’ emotional intelligence The main aim of the project is to boost EQ of children and adolescents by developing, testing and implementing a comprehensive system supporting development of EQ with active participation of primary and lower- secondary schools, parents, experts and project partners. It will also directly address the need for the educating community to raise an emotionally intelligent generation. Objectives: – Develop, test and implement a comprehensive system supporting development of emotional intelligence (EQ)of school-age children (6-15 years old) with active participation of primary and lower-secondary schools, parents, experts and project partners in the participating countries – Increase capacity of school teachers, …

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GreenTour – Interactive map for green tourism for people with disabilities

Duration: 01/02/2022 – 31/01/2024 GreenTour – Interactive map for green tourism for people with disabilities 2 COMCY participates in the Erasmus+ project GreenTour that has set the overall goal to promote the social inclusion and better access of the people with disabilities to existing green tourism possibilities and foster environmental sustainability in tourism industry. Objectives: – Development of Interactive map to enable people with disabilities to be able to plan, realize and enjoy green touristic travels, in more sustainable & environment friendly way and to explore all green tourism offers that the country can provide. – Motivate the people with disabilities to lead an active life, do tourism and become …

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EMYS - Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability

EMYS – Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability – EMYS/ΕΜΕΙΣ

Duration: 01/03/2022 – 28/02/2024 EMYS – Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability – EMYS/ΕΜΕΙΣ Engaging Marginalized Youth for Sustainability is a two-year project which aims to trigger the motivation and enhance the capacity of young people to take actions and implement initiatives on local, regional, national and European level. By doing so, young people will become change makers equipped to advocate and deal with the challenges they face in their communities but also on a European level. Objectives: – Create networks and coalitions among youth organizations, young people and activists in youth movements across the EU – Foster and develop increased opportunities for young people, by supporting them in creating grassroots …

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KEYS! - From Migrant Education to VET

KEYS! – From Migrant Education to VET – Developing Key Competences

Duration: 01/01/2022 – 31/07/2024 KEYS! – From Migrant Education to VET – Developing Key Competences The main aim of the project is to explore the current challenges in the field of migrant education. There is a need of sharing awareness of the importance of key competences among education providers, making them visible and giving tools to develop them in education. This in order to enable smooth transitions from integration training/language to VET. It is extremely important that all migrant learners have the possibility to long career, lifelong-learning, sustainable employment, and social inclusion. Objectives: – Increasing the number of migrants entering VET and getting a VET degree by developing their key competences …

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School adaptability as the key to develop a child’s potential

School Adapt: School adaptability as the key to develop a child’s potential

Duration: 01/09/2020 – 31/08/2023 School Adapt: School adaptability as the key to develop a child’s potential COMCY participates in the Erasmus + project School Adapt which proposes to develop, test and implement a comprehensive system supporting the adaptability of school-age children (6-14 years old) in a new school environment with the collaborative participation of schools, experts and parents. The main objectives of the project are to: – Foster adaptability and learning potential of school-age children (6-14 years old) to meet the requirements of educational system of new school environment – Reduce social isolation and perceived barriers to full integration among migrant children – Prepare primary and lower-secondary educators and teachers to …

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SenQuality – Preparation for later life

Duration: 01/11/2020- 31/10/2022 SenQuality – Preparation for later life COMCY participates in the Erasmus+ project SenQuality that deals with the ageing society and targets at middle-aged people in order to make them aware of the necessity of getting prepared for later life, to motivate and support them to take concrete steps. The project outcomes will be based on nine different domains that will develop a preparation tool to support well-being in later life in different important fields. The nine domains are: Finances, Mental and Physical Fitness, Emergencies and Exceptional Circumstances, Housing, Looks and appearance, social relationships, Health, Leisure activities and lifestyle, Work and employment. The main results of the project are: …

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TuDOrs: Turning the Learning Disabilities into Opportunities

Duration: 01/10/2020 – 30/11/2022 TuDOrs: Turning the Learning Disabilities into Opportunities COMCY participates in the Erasmus+ project TuDOrs that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers/trainers of foreign languages (FL) in teaching people with learning disabilities (LD). The project focuses on the deficient knowledge of learning disabilities, and on the promotion of a common framework, suitable teaching methods and available tools for teaching foreign languages to people with LD. The main objectives of the project are to: – Increase awareness of teachers/trainers of FL about LD; – Learn innovative teaching techniques, approaches, methods and tools, in order to teach people with LD; – Understand and improve the needs of teachers/trainers …

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Co-education in Green

Duration: 01/11/2020-31/10/2022 Co-education in Green COMCY participates in the Erasmus+ project Co-education in Green that aims to promote environmental community education through project-based learning, led by adult educators but counting on the participation of learners, including those with special needs, and the local education community. The general objective of the project is to better the competences and leadership skills of adult educators, and foster issues such as inclusion, participation and environment awareness, in the process of collective transformation of shares space into greener and more educational areas, using content and tools specific to education for sustainable natural development. The main objectives of the project are: – Reinforce adult educators competences on …

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E-learning platform for up-skilling in fund-raising practice, financial digital literacy in NGO management- e-PATTERNS

Duration: 01/09/2019 – 31/05/2022 E-learning platform for up-skilling in fund-raising practice, financial digital literacy in NGO management- e-PATTERNS The E-learning platform for up-skilling in fund-raising practice, financial digital literacy in NGO management- e-PATTERNS project aims to up-re-skill adult SNGOs practitioners (30+ years old) on supporting their work in fund-raising and development of ICT skills through new technologies. Main Outputs of the project: A step-by-step framework on fund-raising & digital financial literacy; A training material for small NGOs leaders/fund-raisers/practitioners; A training toolbox & guidelines for small NGO operators; A self-assessment tool to analyse the status of digital skills/practices within a non-profit organisation; The e-PATTERNS e-learning platform. The project consortium is composed by six partners from six countries. Along with COMCY (Cyprus), the …

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InclEUsion – Promoting social inclusion of immigrants with disabilities in Europe through improving competences of adult educators

Duration: 01/11/2019 – 31/12/2021 InclEUsion – Promoting social inclusion of immigrants with disabilities in Europe through improving competences of adult educators The “inclEUsion – Promoting social inclusion of immigrants with disabilities in Europe through improving competences of adult educators” project aims is to tackle multiple discrimination faced by immigrants with disabilities in Europe and combat it through development of new approaches and tools to support educators working with immigrants with disabilities. Main Outputs of the project: The “ACCESS” database that will provide essential information for adult educators to use as guidance; An online training course that will provide a set of tools and training modules based on the skills gaps of adult educators. Six partners from five …

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motivatEyoUth: Preventing the Early School Leaving phenomenon in the EU through practical and innovative solutions

Duration: 31/01/2019 – 30/01/2021 motivatEyoUth: Preventing the Early School Leaving phenomenon in the EU through practical and innovative solutions COMCY participates in the motivatEyoUth Erasmus+ project that aims to support professionals working with young people (14-24), and build their capacity through competence oriented learning in preventing and reducing ESL as well as inspiring youth to continue on viable progression pathways. The main objectives of the project are to: – create an identification, prevention and intervention programme for ESL through innovative tools and activities – provide opportunities for continuous education to professionals directly involved with youth through open education and innovative practices – build high-quality training materials and methodologies for professionals – motivate youth with …

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Special Intimacy Needs Educator – Assisting differently abled people with the improvement of their emotional and sexual needs

Duration: 01/11/2018 – 31/10/2020 Special Intimacy Needs Educator – Assisting differently abled people with the improvement of their emotional and sexual needs COMCY participates in the Erasmus+ project TuDOrs that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers/trainers of foreign languages (FL) in teaching people with learning disabilities (LD). The project focuses on the deficient knowledge of learning disabilities, and on the promotion of a common framework, suitable teaching methods and available tools for teaching foreign languages to people with LD. The main objectives of the project are to: – Increase awareness of teachers/trainers of FL about LD; – Learn innovative teaching techniques, approaches, methods and tools, in order to teach …

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South Eastern Europe Women Business Angels Network – S.E.E.W.B.A.N

Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2018 South Eastern Europe Women Business Angels Network – S.E.E.W.B.A.N Main aim of the project is the development of Women Business Angels (WBA) Networks in countries which have little or no experience in the field; Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria. The above aim is to be satisfied through various activities which are being implemented in all partner countries as well as at EU level: Identification of the success factors, the challenges and obstacles that women are facing to become business angels Implementation of a strategy and proposal of concrete measures to tackle these obstacles and increase the number of WBA in the regions of the consortium fostering …

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Knowledge exchange – exchange of good practices for young people

Duration: 01/01/2021 – 30/04/2022 Knowledge exchange – exchange of good practices for young people The Knowledge Exchange project aims to increase the competences of professionals coming from institutions from the Lublin region working with young adults who are at risk of social exclusion, as well as families experiencing difficulties providing care and education. Project objectives: – Develop methodology for working with young people – Focus on educational, therapeutic, socialization, rehabilitation work – Supporting their families and the foster care system The process of the project is to organise 8 groups of 40 education professionals to travel to Cyprus and the COMCY- CENTER FOR COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT CYPRUS for 5-day study visits. They will be …

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Program for the development of women’s business networking

Duration: 01/09/2020 – 30/04/2021 Πρόγραμμα για την ανάπτυξη της επιχειρηματικής δικτύωσης γυναικών The project is implemented under the grant program “Paths of Cooperation – support for institutions implementing international cooperation” under the Operational Programme Education and Knowledge Development 2014-2020 Axis IV. Social innovation and transnational cooperation, Measure 4.3 Transnational cooperation The project was developed as an extension of the project “A woman’s success – version II” implemented by the OIC Poland Foundation. The main objective of the project is to increase the level of entrepreneurship and professional activity of the residents of Lublin in Poland, creating conditions for establishing and running a business. To complete the offer of the project …

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