

Co-education in Green

COMCY participates in the Erasmus+ project Co-education in Green that aims to promote environmental community education through project-based learning, led by adult educators but counting on the participation of learners, including those with special needs, and the local education community.

The general objective of the project is to better the competences and leadership skills of adult educators, and foster issues such as inclusion, participation and environment awareness, in the process of collective transformation of shares space into greener and more educational areas, using content and tools specific to education for sustainable natural development.

The main objectives of the project are:

– Reinforce adult educators competences on cooperative education and leadership skills

– Bettering adult educators knowledge on environmental-oriented education

– Strengthen the relationships of individuals within local communities and promoting values of social inclusion, sustainability and accessibility

– Fostering the cooperation and networking between organisations and associated partners active in the field of adult education on national and EU levels and interested in the project topic

The main results of the project are:

– Methodology of the creation of shared green spaces and implementation procedures

– Online Training Kit for improving educator’s competences and skills on environmental-oriented cooperative education

– Manual for adult educators and educational centres on how to co-create multisensory gardens for adults with special needs

The project consortium is composed of 7 EU organisations from 6 EU countries. Along with COMCY (Cyprus), the others come from Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Lithuania.

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