School adaptability as the key to develop a child’s potential


01/09/2020 – 31/08/2023

School Adapt: School adaptability as the key to develop a child’s potential

COMCY participates in the Erasmus + project School Adapt which proposes to develop, test and implement a comprehensive system supporting the adaptability of school-age children (6-14 years old) in a new school environment with the collaborative participation of schools, experts and parents.

The main objectives of the project are to:

– Foster adaptability and learning potential of school-age children (6-14 years old) to meet the requirements of educational system of new school environment

– Reduce social isolation and perceived barriers to full integration among migrant children

– Prepare primary and lower-secondary educators and teachers to work with migrant students

– Tackle early school leaving by offering the opportunity to migrant parents in supporting their children in their schooling environment

The main outputs of the project are the development of: 

– Model of working with a pupil returning from abroad to the native educational system

– Model of working with a foreign pupil coming to new country (adaptation of foreign pupil)

– Training toolkit for assisting in pupils’ adaptation

– E-learning course for teachers

– E-learning course for parents

The project consortium is composed by five experienced partner organisations from four European countries. Along with COMCY (Cyprus), the rest of the partners come from Poland, Spain and Italy.

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